Monthly Archives: August 2009

Gift Jars- Mayan Hot Chocolate

I saw these cute little jars when I was looking at canning equipment the other day.  I didn’t buy them the first time I saw them because I didn’t think I was going to be doing any canning this year.  But then I saw them again later at another store and I couldn’t resist.  I […]

The End of the Season

It wasn’t the best year for tomatoes in Minnesota.  In fact, I think we ended up with just enough for only ONE jar of sauce.  No point in canning this year.  We actually got some okay-looking heirloom tomatoes and spent the afternoon simmering a savory garlic tomato sauce for lasagna.  I’m always relieved when the […]

It’s Here!

My new site is here with a fancy custom theme (designed by my lovebird)!  Let’s celebrate with mini chocolate zucchini cakes!