Category Archives: Kid Activities

Homemade Holiday Crackers

This is a simple yet fun craft activity to do for the holiday. Simply fill toilet paper rolls with confetti, candy, toys etc and wrap them in tissue paper with a little decorative paper wrapped around the outside. What I like most about this craft is that it looks like you put a lot of […]

Homemade Fresh Cherry Pie

The kids and I went into a cute little shop somewhere on Lake Minnetonka yesterday and bought the cutest little Cherry Pitter. The kids wanted it because they love cherries and it looks like a robot. I wanted it because I am sucker for good package design and always worry about Chloe spitting out the […]

Third Trip Up to the North Shore

We were up on the North Shore again last week and even though it rained a majority of the time I still really enjoyed myself. I didn’t mind the light mist while walking through the woods of the Superior National Forest at all actually. In fact, it kind of added to that almost mystical-feeling element […]