Category Archives: Kid Activities

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum- Very Early Spring

The Arboretum was free for its last Thursday of the cold season so we decided to take advantage of that and get out of the house for a bit. The temperature was about 49 degrees and actually felt pretty nice as we walked around the grounds. We started out indoors though and hit up my […]

Homemade Valentine’s Day Cards and Treats

One of the best things about having kids is getting to experience all the holidays as a child again. I used to love Valentine’s Day. Packing up a little card and treat for all your classmates, maybe slipping an extra few hearts to the one you REALLY wanted to be your Valentine. Opening yours up […]

The Best Gingerbread Cookies

My kids made gingerbread cookies with their grandmother today. It was a pretty big production. The kitchen got a little messy. But the kids didn’t get too crabby. Chloe just had to roll out her own dough. I will cherish these pictures for years to come. We let Andrew decorate the burnt ones. He didn’t […]