Category Archives: Book vs Movie

Book vs the Movie- Julie and Julia

*Note* Technically this is 2 books in 1 movie, but the movie is named after the book by Julie Powell so I focus on that mostly in my comparison. For the record, I have read both of the books that the movie is based on. I haven’t been to the theater to see a movie […]

Book vs the Movie- The Horse Whisperer

I am taking a little hiatus from blogging this month so that I can participate it National Novel Writing Month. So far I am right on track to meet the 50,000 word goal. In the meantime, if you want to follow along for “Book vs the Movie” I am reading The Horse Whisperer and will […]

Book vs Movie- No Country for Old Men

I was surprised to find this book on the shelf at my local library. First of all, it’s a SMALL library. Second of all, I didn’t know it was a book! I remember watching the movie and thinking it was a little over-rated, a little too violent and mean for my taste. But now that […]