Minnesota Landscape Arboretum- Very Early Spring

The Arboretum was free for its last Thursday of the cold season so we decided to take advantage of that and get out of the house for a bit. The temperature was about 49 degrees and actually felt pretty nice as we walked around the grounds. We started out indoors though and hit up my favorite room, the conservatory, first. These pictures were taken there:



And these were found outside. . . The first bit of natural “vibrant” color I have seen since the leaves changed colors last fall:


Inside there was a great collection of seed catalog cover art. A treasure trove of historical art any creative person would enjoy stumbling upon. Here is a great piece:


The rest of the images were taken while wandering the grounds outside like this creepy sculpture:


These Honey Crisp Apple trees are protected by little packages of Irish Spring soap. Apparently deer are like me and don’t like anything that smells too strong.

The kids and I were trying to figure out why there were a bunch of blue bags nailed to a bunch of trees. Then we came upon this sign:


These kids were all actually from our hometown of Hutchinson (45 miles down the road). They are learning how maple syrup is made:


Andrew had to make another trip into the twig house: