Monthly Archives: November 2009

Daring Bakers November- Cannoli!

Cannoli. When I read we were going to be frying for Daring Bakers I had mixed feelings. But the day I decided to make them, my son and I had a lot of fun. I call these “carnival cannoli” in honor of my son, the boy who loves everything covered in sprinkles. Compared to last […]


We got so many great pictures today of my family. I am so thankful for my family, the ability to be together easily, the wonderful food and the passion for photography in my family that allows us to capture these wonderful images. All these pictures were taken by my dad. Thanks, dad. If you are […]

Making Holiday Party Invites

I took this picture yesterday while my son was playing in his “light fort” and decided to turn it into a holiday invite. We are calling our party “Holidork” because every year we host something called Dorkfest (think Scrabble marathons and B-movies) but this year decided to bump it up a few months and meld […]