Monthly Archives: June 2010

June Garden Photos- Colorized

I wanted to do some colorized photos of some of the things in our garden. I think the different perspective can help one notice things about a plant they normally wouldn’t. above: yarrow above: painted daisy above: cabbage above: sweet peas above: glimpse of a pansy in hanging basket above: delphinium above: the name of […]

Lake Superior Sky Vacation- Part 2 (Bayfield & the Apostle Islands)

After staying in Duluth for 2 nights we drove through the fog for an hour or so and came up over a hill and down into the sleepy little town of Bayfield. Our neighbors had told us about this charming little town and after looking at pictures of the Apostle Islands we decided to rent […]

Lake Superior Sky Vacation- Part 1 (Duluth)

Last week we traveled up north to experience the joys of our first real family vacation. I knew it wouldn’t be perfect, but I wasn’t expecting the baby to be teething for the majority of the trip or the amount of rain we got! On the bright side, the rain made for the most amazing […]