Category Archives: Book Reviews

Book Review: The Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards

I celebrated the first day of winter by starting what I hoped to be the first of many books I read during the cold months here in Minnesota. Four days later, I had finished The Lake of Dreams and felt as though I had gone on a mini vacation to the Finger Lakes region in […]

Book Review: Program or Be Programmed By Douglas Rushkoff

While browsing for a good read the other day that would both make me think and empower me in my line(s) of work, I came across this book by Douglas Rushkoff. It’s called Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age and is published by OR Books. The title caught my eye since […]

Book Review and Giveaway- The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating

Algonquin Books were generous enough to send me a copy of The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating by Elizabeth Tova Bailey, a bedridden observer of nature who is given a snail in a pot of violets and decides to keep it as a pet. The illness that Bailey experiences makes it extremely difficult for […]