Tag Archives: canning

Get Ready to Celebrate National Can-It-Forward Day (With a Giveaway)!

I received some products in the mail from Ball and couldn’t wait to try them out! Here in Minnesota it’s canning season and there are lots of things to can. The peaches are in, corn is ready, green beans, tomatoes and pickling cucumbers are ready. We can and store food for a lot of reasons […]

Eggrolls & a Giveaway (for Gift Giving!)

Yesterday I mentioned canning items for gifts and today I did a little canning myself! Around this time of year I start thinking about Eggrolls for some reason. Maybe because my dad always made them this time of year or when it started to get colder. I decided to make some today for lunch but […]

Lemon Curd & Making Homemade Gift Jars

Lemon Curd is one of my favorite treats. You can use it for a lot of different things but it’s probably most often used to make tarts. A lot of people probably associate Lemon Curd with the summer, which is why I actually like to make it during the more drearier time of year for […]