Monthly Archives: August 2011

Super Yummy Hawaiian Dip

Last week a coworker asked me if I wanted to try this dip. When he told me what was in it I was hesitant but did try it. And after trying it I couldn’t stop eating it. Then I couldn’t stop thinking about making some of it to have at my own house so I […]

Put’em Up Book Review & Giveaway + a Recipe for Salsa Verde

This, my dear friends, is the papery husk of a tomatillo. A tomatillo is a fruit much like a tomato and they are a staple of Latin American cuisine. I think they are just beautiful. I used the tomatillos today to make this: The tomatillo husk itself is much nicer to look at, but don’t […]

Get Ready to Celebrate National Can-It-Forward Day (With a Giveaway)!

I received some products in the mail from Ball and couldn’t wait to try them out! Here in Minnesota it’s canning season and there are lots of things to can. The peaches are in, corn is ready, green beans, tomatoes and pickling cucumbers are ready. We can and store food for a lot of reasons […]